Technical Notes

Athermalisation Explained.

When looking for optical components for your application the first port of call is often the off-the-shelf market, and quite rightly so. Off-the-shelf optical components offer advantages for optical system design, including typically shorter delivery times and lower costs.

Justifying a custom lens for your optical product.

When looking for optical components for your application the first port of call is often the off-the-shelf market, and quite rightly so. Off-the-shelf optical components offer advantages for optical system design, including typically shorter delivery times and lower costs.

Design considerations for satellite optics.

We are reading new reports of the benefits of optical satellite imaging in applications including inspection, navigation, remote sensing, and telecommunications, as well as ground-breaking scientific space research.

CMOS sensor optimised non-browning lenses.

Many applications in nuclear plants and reprocessing facilities incorporate remote monitoring cameras to assist in ensuring safe and productive operation.

Why use cerium doped glasses?

Radiation resistant, radiation hard or non-browning lenses are all terms used to refer to a lens designed for use in a radioactive environment.

Choosing large format sensors – the impact on lens design

Over recent years we have seen a trend towards using larger format sensors.

Earth orbit and space applications – where do I need radiation tolerant lenses?

Depending on what imaging / monitoring task a satellite is designed to accomplish will determine the Earth orbit it operates within.

Lens design considerations for military applications

Precision optics are used in many areas of military operations, from vision systems and target designators used by personnel on the ground, through guidance systems used in both manned and unmanned aircraft, to reconnaissance and surveillance packages carried by satellites in Earth orbit.

Athermalisation Explained

For applications that maybe subject to temperature fluctuations, it is important to develop an optical system that is insensitive to thermal change in the surrounding environment and the resulting system defocus. Developing an athermal optical design, is especially critical in the infrared because the coefficient of thermal expansion of most IR materials is orders of magnitude higher than those of visible glasses, creating large changes in the refractive index.

Key advantages of ‘application-optimised’ custom optical design

Whether you are designing a new product or looking to extend the life of an existing optical product, opting for a custom optical design can minimise any compromises by designing the lens from the ground up to exactly match your needs.

Developing lenses that operate over a wide temperature range

A question we are often asked is ‘What is the operating temperature range of a particular lens”. As refractive index is a function of temperature, you could reasonably expect that a lens will experience some performance degradation with changing temperature.

Custom Lenses for Demanding Machine Vision Applications

Taking advantage of cutting-edge optical design expertise, Resolve Optics Ltd’s machine vision lens design service ensures top imaging performance for machine vision systems used in assembly and inspection processes on manufacturing lines.

Designing an optical system for high temperature applications

Few off-the-shelf optical solutions are available for high temperature applications. For high temperature applications, optical systems need to be designed to ensure performance is maintained at the application operating temperature.

How does reducing optical product size impact the design and performance of Fixed Focus lenses?

Across many industries, the trend in recent years has been all about the manufacturing of ever-smaller mechanical, optical and electronic products and devices. Reducing the size of an optical product requires innovative design and manufacturing techniques but what is the impact on performance?

Radiation Resistance – What does it mean and how do optimised lenses maintain throughput?

Radiation resistant, radiation hard or non-browning lenses are all terms used to refer to a lens designed for use in a radioactive environment.

Comparing Traditional & Optically Corrected Zoom Lenses

Did you know that there is a formula where you can work out the effective clear diameter of a lens based on its focal length and its aperture?

Quick Tips To Help You Specify A Lens

Did you know that there is a formula where you can work out the effective clear diameter of a lens based on its focal length and its aperture?

Specialist Optical Systems for Space Projects

Today we employ many different types of optical imaging and sensing systems to observe and measure the Earth and the universe at large.

Key Considerations When Selecting A Lens for Machine Vision

Given the diverse range of sensor formats and different resolution available in machine vision cameras, the number of lens options is vast.

Aspheric or Spherical Lenses – Which is best for Vision Applications?

In recent years there has been a trend towards increased use of aspheric elements in optical designs. The driving force behind this trend is that a single aspheric element can replace 2 or 3 spherical elements in a design whilst maintaining or improving the performance of the system.

The Benefits & Challenges of Using UV Lenses

Ultraviolet (UV) is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths from 10 nm to 400 nm, shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays.

New MRP System helps Improve Production Planning

Resolve Optics is always looking for ways of establishing and maintaining strong relationships with its customers.

Turning up the Heat

With few optical solutions available ‘off-the-shelf’ – Resolve Optics has established an international reputation for designing and producing specialist optical systems for high temperature applications.

A New Simple Optically Compensated Zoom Lens

One of the biggest advantages of using a zoom lens is that it allows you to change focal lengths without changing your lens.

Optical Design Strategy: What Comes First?

What should you consider first when designing a new optical product or upgrading an existing product, the lens or the sensor?

Specialist Lenses for Vision Applications

In many vision applications the trend is for cameras and sensors to offer ever increasing resolution, what role does the lens fulfil in these devices and are suitable lenses generally available?

Does My Application Require Radiation Resistant Lenses?

In nuclear power, nuclear reprocessing, space, medical and other scientific applications optical glass may be exposed to high energy radiation like gamma, electron, proton and neutron radiation. With the accumulation of higher doses this radiation reduces the transmittance of optical glass (turning brown or grey) especially near the UV-visible edge of the spectrum.

Focus Tracking Optical Zoom Lenses

Resolve Optics is a leading international supplier of compact, high performance off-the-shelf and custom optical zoom lenses.
These lenses can be supplied either motorised or non-motorised and provide focus tracking throughout their zoom range.

Advantages of a Design Conception to Production Optics Supply Partner

When looking for a suitable lens for an optical application it is not uncommon for companies to spend considerable time searching through potential off the shelf lenses to try and find what is deemed to be a “Least Cost” option.

Maintaining Your Products Competitive Edge

Whether you are considering developing a new product or looking to extend the life of an existing product, a critical consideration is that it should offer real tangible benefits over your competitors.

Best Practices for Ensuring Lens Performance

In this occasional ‘How To’ feature, the technical team at Resolve Optics provide you with useful instructions, hints and tips to assist you in your daily work.

Replacing Hard to Source and Obsolete Optical Components

Periodically organisations are faced with replacing hard to source or obsolete optical components within their camera, sensor or instrument systems.