Social Media Archive
Custom optomechanical design solutions
Nearly 3 decades of optical and mechanical design experience, in-depth knowledge of nuclear, space, aviation and industrial vision sectors plus customer-centric approach set us apart from other...
Optical module expands satellite lens versatility.
Many thanks for the editorial team at SatMagazine for reporting how a unique optical module Resolve Optics developed for ultra-high-definition video camera specialists – Sen is enabling them to use...
Should I choose an aspheric or spheric lens for my vision application?
In recent years there has been a growing trend towards use of aspheric elements in optical designs. Aspheric optics can be a great choice as they help to reduce spherical aberrations. The problem is...
Close-up nuclear inspection
Starting from our range of proven fixed focus lens designs – we can quickly design and produce custom fixed focus radiation tolerant lenses fully optimised to produce the best results from your...
Need a specialist lens for a demanding vision application?
We’ve produced a short guide detailing the key considerations when selecting a lens optimised for your vision application. Your vision lens selection process should involve identifying the target...
New UK clean room facilities
As part of our program of investment we have recently completed a major refurbishment of the clean room area at our Chesham, UK headquarters. In addition to installing a new, higher specification...
Industry Interview.
Optical inspection and sorting systems are widely used to identify products not fit for consumption. In a recent interview with PCN Europe – Mark Pontin discussed why inspection and sorting system...
Zoom lens for 1-inch format nuclear cameras
Camera sensor size is one of the most important factors in determining overall camera performance and image quality. Increasingly nuclear monitoring system integrators are using 1-inch sensors in...
FAQ: What optical testing facilities does Resolve Optics maintain?
A: We are constantly looking at ways of improving product quality using a suite of in-house testing equipment and on-the-job training for our skilled production technicians. We use a next generation...