OEM design & manufacture enquiry form

To enable Resolve Optics Ltd. to determine whether or not we can provide an effective optical design and manufacture solution that meets the needs of your project/product development, please take a few moments to complete and send the form on this page.

In all instances we will endeavour to answer your enquiry in a timely fashion.

Q: Description of your application?

Q: What is your optical design challenge (describe and include details of constraints such as lens dimensions, focal length, aperture, image size, distance of object, other)?

Q: Do you have any other constraints on the optical design such as chemical resistivity, thermal performance, working under vacuum, target delivery dates or price/unit?

Q: What quantity do you require for proof of concept and what is your estimate of demand for the developed lens/optical system per year?

Other information?

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An email will be sent to the address given confirming receipt of your enquiry.