Fixed focus lens for radiation resistant cameras with smaller sensorsResolve Optics reports on the development of a compact non browning lens optimised for radiation resistant cameras with smaller sensors.

All non-browning lenses from Resolve Optics are manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance and are designed to withstand a total radiation dose of 100,000,000 rad. The new Model 390 is a 5mm fixed focus non-browning lens design optimised for ¼-inch image format radiation resistant CCD cameras.

Providing true HD quality images, the Model 390 lens sets a new standard for high-quality imaging of high radiation nuclear applications including monitoring of hot cells, belt lines and close inspection of baffle bolts.

Rob Watkinson, Customer Support Manager at Resolve Optics commented “Producing clear, sharp images free of a strong yellow tint has traditionally been a limitation of radiation resistant lenses on colour cameras. In our Model 390 lens development we drew upon our in-depth knowledge of radiation resistant optical materials to help solve this problem. The fixed focus, radiation resistant lens we have produced enables ¼-inch format CCD cameras to capture clear, high-definition colour images, with minimum geometric distortion from 400 to 770nm”.

For further information on the Model 390 please visit or contact Resolve Optics on +44-1494-777100 /

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