model-192-lensCompact in design, the Model 192 Non Browning 6x Zoom Lens from Resolve Optics Ltd. has been designed to operate in areas subject to radiation.

Today, radiation is used in medicine, academia, and industry, as well as for generating electricity at nuclear power plants. In addition, radiation has useful applications in such areas as agriculture, archaeology (carbon dating), food (irradiation), space exploration, law enforcement, geology (including mining), and many others.

The Model 192 uses special glass that can withstand long-term exposure to radiation up to a dose of 100 million radians and temperatures to 55°C without discoloration. Operating at f / 1.8, it provides high image resolution and minimum geometric distortion from 400 to 750 nm, and it can image objects from 800 mm to infinity without using add-on adapters. When focused at infinity, the lens achieves high image resolution on-axis at full aperture throughout the zoom range without refocusing (image tracking). It is designed for use with 1/2-inch and 2/3-inch CCTV cameras and with Newvicon and Chalnicon tubes.

For further information on the Model 192 please click here or contact Resolve Optics Ltd. on telephone +44-1494-777100 /

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